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A Brief Note on Copyright and Usage
1) You CAN use this book to teach your students;
2) You CAN make copies of the individual chapters for YOUR students;
3) You CAN reproduce the entire book for YOUR students in YOUR classroom;
4) Any reproduction that you provide must contain existing branding, and web site address “www.compellingconversations.com”.
5) But you can CANNOT duplicate or distribute Compelling Conversations outside of your classroom and for individuals who are not enrolled in your class.
6) You CANNOT reproduce the book or chapters for non-educational purposes or commercial profit.
7) You CANNOT modify pdf file in any way. You can inquire about an institutional license to print and slightly modify Compelling Conversations to fit your institution’s unique needs. You can, for instance, delete chapters that offend local governing authorities who sometimes prefer censorship to free speech, or add a school logo.
8) You can contact the authors to discuss any other possible uses, suggest additional chapters, or contribute additional material.
Thank you for your time, energy, and efforts to help your students create authentic conversations.