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Praise for Compelling American Conversations
“Compelling American Conversations is a great textbook for teaching conversational American English to ESL learners. It teaches the students topic by topic how to start a conversation with small talk leading up to a more serious discussion using relevant vocabulary and global idioms within the context of American culture. It also focuses on teaching the students how to ask questions as well as answering them. This is something that they will all need in the real world. I highly recommend it as either a main textbook or as supplementary material for any ESL instructor to use with intermediate to advanced level students who want to improve their oral skills.”
Eva Owen
EFL/ESL Instructor
“Compelling American Conversations is a great book for students to improve their conversational skills. The exercises also help to improve the “on-the-spot” thinking skills students need to become fluent English speakers. I recommend this book as a study aid for those who wish to improve their IELTS speaking score.”
James Hutzell, Lecturer
USC Language Academy IELTS Examiner
“The topics in Compelling American Conversations are meaningful, timely, and presented in an engaging manner to stimulate immediate class participation…. Compelling American Conversationsis just that: compelling. I recommend it highly to those who wish to become more proficient in English conversation and to teachers of ESL who wish to present meaningful lessons to their students who need to improve their conversation skills and ability to think in English.”
Marc Yablonka
Author & ESL Teacher, Pasadena Community College